Monday, February 8, 2016

5. Toba Lake Surface Area

Toba Lake surface area measured based on the outer shoreline perimeter. Measurement using Google Earth polygon tool. Polygon tool created by click 'add polygon' tool at Google Earth toolbar. A Google Earth - New Polygon window will pop up, which named Untitled Polygon. Replace the name 'Untitled Polygon' with any name you want to tag your new polygon. Then use the mouse to create the points of the polygon perimeter. Google Earth automatically will calculated the perimeter length and the polygon area. The calculation will be showed in Measurements Tab below the polygon name. You can choose which unit will be used in the calculation. The units available are centimeters, meters, kilometers, inches, feet, yards, miles, nautical miles, smoots, degrees, arc second. Below is the image of Toba Lake polygon measurement.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Samosir Island

Samosir Island is an island in Toba Lake. Toba Lake is a lake in Sumatra Island, Indonesia. It means that Samosir Island is an island in Sumatra Island. This unique earth feature, an island in an island was a result of geological process in Sumatra Island. Geological studies in Toba Lake indicated that the area was a super volcano which erupted about 75.000 years ago. 

The eruption released thousand meters cubic of ash to air, throwing it until thousand kilometer from it's origin place. Created a big holes on the earth that now known as Toba caldera. The geological progress beneath the hole continued to push the earth mantle upward, resulted an uplifted land on it. Slowly, water filled the hole until reached the Toba caldera maximum capacity to  current lake water level. The land on the caldera center  is known as Samosir Island.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Earth Carved 03

 Image: Onion Layers Pattern

The form and the pattern of the stones that carved by the external power of the earth depend of the mineral types of the stones. Stone's mineral which have different types will have different hardness. The hardness of mineral in the stones influenced the form or the pattern of stones. The weakest part will eroded first and left the harder part. Slowly, the harder part of the stones will be eroded too. The duration depends on the intensity of external power the causing the erosion progress.

How to Get Pulau Weh, Aceh

Previous  The Position Of Pulau Weh, Aceh, Indonesia

Now, we got the orientation of  Pulau Weh position in Indonesia. Let's see how to get Pulau Weh.
The Capital of Indonesia is Daerah Khusus Ibukota (DKI) Jakarta or in English and Google Earth noted as Special Capital Region of Jakarta. We will use DKI Jakarta as an entry point from abroad. Actually there are some Provinces or Cities in Indonesia that have International Airport as entry points to Indonesia, but in this post, we assumed the entry point is DKI Jakarta.

4. Toba Lake Outer Shoreline Distance

Toba Lake outer side shoreline measurement shows the measurement between two point of outer side shoreline of Toba Lake. Toba Lake is lenghtwise from North-West to South-East direction. It's form is oval and have narrow part in the center area. Based of the direction, the position is vertically from north to south area. The images below show the length and width of Toba Lake based on the outer side shorelines. 

3. Samosir Island Distance to Toba Lake Shoreline

Previous  2. Samosir Island Length and Width

The farthest distance of Samosir Island to outer side of  Toba Lake is in north part of Toba Lake. This north area is the largest part of Toba Lake. It is estimated that the deepest point of Toba Lake is around this north area. The farthest distance is about 24,28 kilometers length from northern part of Samosir Island to Karo Regency shoreline. The images below show the farthest and shortest distance from Samosir Island to outer side Lake Toba shoreline.

2. Samosir Island Length and Width

Previous  1. Samosir Island Area

Samosir Island formed almost the same as the Toba Lake form. It is lenghtwise from North-West to South-East. The island parallel to east and west caldera side. The northern and southern tips of Samosir Island is narrower than the center part. The most narrowest part is in northern tip and the wider part is in the center part.Below images show the measurement result of Samosir Island Length and Wide.

1. Samosir Island Area

Previous  Toba Lake Facts Measured Using Google Earth

Samosir Island is an island in the center of Toba Lake. The island estimated created due to the geological process beneath the Toba caldera. The magma and gas tension beneath the Toba caldera pushed the earth mantle upward and created a land in the centre of Toba Lake named Samosir Island. The Samosir Island estimated as the weakest part of the Toba caldera earth mantle. The tension pushed Samosir Island land resulted the deepest area in Toba Lake to about 500 meter depth.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Google Earth Grids

Previous The Globe

Google Earth Grids View

One of feature which available in Google Earth is Grids feature. The grids are imagination lines that divided earth in to some parts by Latitude and Longitudes lines. Grids that available in Google Earth Option are Decimal Degrees, Degrees Minute Second, Degrees Decimal Minutes and Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM). The first three Lat/Long are geographical measurement using Degrees based on the imagination lines that divided earth by its rounded form.

Google Earth

Previous  Map

Based on the explanation about map, we can imagine how the Google Earth built. It contain billions of dots, lines and areas and pictures that arranged to build the picture of the globe. Layer by layer of earth surface pictures was arranged by its position in the earth, added with points, lines and areas that enriches the information the Google Earth can show.