Saturday, February 10, 2018

Humbang Hasundutan: Population Distribution

Humbang Hasundutan population distribution described as demography or the structures of the population in the regency area. Population distribution based on household, age groups, and etc. An information about population distribution is important to determine a condition of an area based on the population structures.

Humbang Hasundutan in Figure 2017 (Statistic Office of Humbang Hasundutan Regency, 2017) described the population, household and average of household based on subdistrict as below. 

                                    Population                Household             Average Household

1 Pakkat                         24.523                       5.988                             4,10
2 Onan Ganjang             10453                        2.521                             4,15
3 Sijamapolang                5.397                       1.319                             4,09
4 Doloksanggul             48.211                      10.290                             4,69
5 Lintong Nihuta           31.317                       6.644                              4,71
6 Paranginan                  13.162                       2.917                             4,51
7 Baktiraja                       7.188                       1.722                             4,17
8 Pollung                       18.985                       4.183                             4,54
9 Parlilitan                     18.104                       4.561                             3,97
10 Tarabintang                7.575                        1.785                             4,24
Humbang Hasundutan 184.915                     41.930                             4,41

Data above suggested that the total population of Humbang Hasundutan Regency in 2016 are 184.915, consist of 41.930 households. The average household is 4,41 people in a household. The highest population is in Dolok Sanggul subdistrict 48.211 people by 10.290 households, but the average of household only 4,69 people in a household. Compared to Lintongnihuta subdistrict which average household was the highest 4,71,  population 31.317 people by 6.644 households,

The population distribution data  figure out, the higher the average of household means the more people in a household. As opposite, the lower the average of household  means the less people in a single household. Meanwhile, the data can indicate the numbers of married couples. Based on Indonesian regulation, a household is a family member who represented by the man as the head of the family. Each family must have registered family card (Kartu Keluarga). 

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