Saturday, February 10, 2018

Humbang Hasundutan: Population Distribution Based on Age Group and Sex

Previous  Humbang Hasundutan: Population Distribution

Humbang Hasundutan Regency population distribution based on Age Group and Sex in 2016 as described in Humbang Hasundutan Regency in Figure 2017 ( Statistic Office of Humbang Hasundutan Regency, 2017) are below:

Age Group    Male                           Female                      Total

0‒4                  12 280                         11 835                         24 115
5‒9                  12 505                         11 920                         24 425
10‒14              11 414                         10 581                         21 995
15‒19                9 426                           8 451                         17 877
20‒24                4 955                           3 653                           8 608
25‒29                5 195                           4 860                         10 055
30‒34                5 640                           5 405                         11 045
35‒39                5 401                           5 165                         10 566
40‒44                4 957                           4 894                           9 851
45‒49                4 498                           4 878                           9 376
50‒54                3 837                           4 642                           8 479
55‒59                3 620                           4 756                           8 376
60‒64                3 200                           4 108                           7 308
65-69                 2 055                           3 009                           5 064
70-74                 1 419                           2 137                           3 556
75-79                 1 387                           2 832                           4 219

Total                91 789                         93 126                       184 915

The data show the age group and sex and the total of people in a certain age group. The age grouped for every 5 years age. The total indicated that the number of female was higher than male in Humbang Hasundutan in 2016. The highest number for an age group is 24.425 for age group 5-9 years. The lowest number for an age group is 3.556 people for age group 70-74 years. 

Based on sex, male on age group 5-9 is higher 12.505 compared to female in the same age group 11.920 people. In age group 45-49, female population is 4.878 higher than male  4.498 in the same age group. Based on the data, compared in sex group, on age group 0-44, male population is higher than female in the same age range. But, in age range 45-79, female population is higher than male.

Population distribution data based on age group and sex indicates the ratio of population based on age group, sex and the trend of population growth. A lot of possibilities can be seen from the data. At beginning the male population is higher than female for certain age range, than an opposite happened for another age group. The data also show the bottle neck of the population for certain age group. This data can show the living of the population in the regency.

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